Corporate Realty Works on the Besthoff Sculpture Garden for Service Project

As a part of Corporate Realty’s continued efforts to support the New Orleans community, we organized a service project for all staff on Monday, April 30th at The Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art. The five acre Sculpture Garden has grown from its inception in 2003 to include… Read More about Corporate Realty Works on the Besthoff Sculpture Garden for Service Project

Corporate Realty Appreciates our Administrative Professionals

Corporate Realty is comprised of a great team of dedicated professionals who work together every day to serve our clients. We like to acknowledge everyone’s hard work, and we were excited to celebrate Administrative Professionals Week with the major property management firms in New Orleans last weeks at Corks and Canvas.   Thank you Sue… Read More about Corporate Realty Appreciates our Administrative Professionals