Corporate Realty Presents Antoine’s Shrimp & Crawfish St. Pierre

Since 1997, Corporate Realty has shared a monthly mailer that not only highlights our recent transactions, but a recipe or story from a great local restaurant. In the past, we’ve featured recipes from Commander’s Palace, Leah Chase, Lucky Dog and many others – and we’re proud to be associated with some of the best Louisiana… Read More about Corporate Realty Presents Antoine’s Shrimp & Crawfish St. Pierre

Michael Pousson Receives the Certified Property Manager (CPM®) Designation

Michael Pousson, the Assistant General Manager at Benson Tower, was awarded the Certified Property Manager (CPM®) designation by IREM this month.   In addition to the CPM designation, Michael has also the Real Property Administrator® (RPA®) designation from the Building Owners and Managers Institute International. Michael has also previously received the Green Building Certification Institute’s… Read More about Michael Pousson Receives the Certified Property Manager (CPM®) Designation

Place St. Charles Undertaking Streetscape Improvement as the First Phase of Major Renovation

Place St. Charles, a 52-story office and retail building in the Central Business District, announced plans to undergo a major exterior renovation that will include improvements to the building and surrounding streetscape. The $2.2 million project will include a new entrance with a steel and glass canopy adorned with LED lighting.   Mathes Brierre, members… Read More about Place St. Charles Undertaking Streetscape Improvement as the First Phase of Major Renovation